Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Free post


Original Photo of Mason with Edited Color

I made him look like a ghost ... as it is he wasn't originally in this photo

he wasn't originally in this photo but i made it look like he was


Warmth that you feel on your skin

Warmth that you feel in side

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Best Pictures

Animal Morph
This is My Boyfriend's Sister's Dog That I Put My Eye and Mouth on

 Ice Photo
This is My Favorite Picture of My Ice Photo's

 Favorite Picture
This is My Favorite Picture of My Baby Brother

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Motion Photo's
The 6th Graders Skating
Getting Ready for a Multitude of Falls
Got to have Their Safety 
Having Fun
About to Fall
Got to Dust Themselves off 
Launching Themselves Forward 
Roller Skates 
Midair Falling
Getting Back Up
Rolling Around
Having Fun With Their Class
Getting Their Roller Skates Off
Putting Their Roller Skates Away
Had Fun Even Though She Fell

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ron Lussier

Ron Lussier
He has been doing computer graphics work for 16+ years. Twelve of them making computer games and freelancing, and then the last few years doing film effects work at The Orphanage on movies including Sin City, Superman Returns, and my favorite project, Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3D! A Quote from Ron Lussier "Trying to find a life though all those hours is a tough job though so I have been trying to take some time and figure out if I can't do something a little more personally fulfilling. The artistic endeavors I will have here will hopefully help in that regard."

I think this is some sort or sign or something. I chose this photo to show you because the word angel is meaningful to me, it may have not had any mean to him at all but I still think it is a really interesting photo.

I know from looking at some of Mr. Lussier's photo's that he was in Africa at some point. This photo was also taken there, in Africa. I like the little drawing on the thing that looks like it is a metal panel. The little drawing looks like a little alien thing with a mohawk.

I like Ron Lussier's photography because if his abstract point of view he focuses on. Most of his photos you can not even tell what they are of. I can tell by looking at his work that he focuses on textures. This photo looks like it is of something with paint, like a painting board or something like that.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Replacement of sky

Replacement of sky

Replacement of sky
To begin with this photo was a sunrise, but now it's a brightened night sky.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


these are different times of day
        The first one was taken at 8 am. The second one was taken at noon. and the last one was taken at 5:30 pm.