Wednesday, February 22, 2012

composition photos

composition photos


horizontal lines

curved lines



depth of field

Depth of Feild

Depth of Field
These photo's were not made by me.

Narrow Depth of Field

Medium Depth of Field

Wide Depth of Field

Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter Nature

winter nature
I was walking to the tree to climb it.

A slanted point of veiw that i think is cool besauce w\everything is in fosuce including the blades of grass way in the distence.

I like this one becauce of how the different texures are seperated.

I was walking in the arbereatam and i saw this little bridge and thought it looked interesting.

I thought that the little twigs poking upn looked like antlers.

When i first saw this deer it was maybe 10ft in front of me. When i took this photo the deer was stomping it's hove at me.